Rayban  Meta Ai Glasses: Go High Fashion 
4 mins read

Rayban  Meta Ai Glasses: Go High Fashion 

Meta delivered an unexpected Collaboration of the year, Ray-Ban Meta x Coperni Limited Edition Glasses. It is a part of Coperni 2025 winter collection and it’s the company’s first ever branded collaboration. The company released only just 3600 pairs of the  Ray-Ban Meta AI Glasses, the Meta x Coperni Limited edition.

This article will tell you a comprehensive guide about Ray-Ban Meta x Coperni Limited Edition Glasses. The look and feel of these glasses are sleek and stylish, which justifies the limited edition combination of style design and cutting-edge technology.


Meta takes inspiration from last year’s limited-run transparent models. The new glasses featured a translucent frame and a grey mirrored lens, also on the arm of the glasses, the big emblem of the brand was added for the brand recognition

How to get these limited edition Meta AI glasses

If you want to own these glasses. You can buy Ray-Ban Meta glasses from the Meta Store, Ray-Ban.com, official Ray-Ban stores, and certified retailers, but for owning these luxury glasses you want a good luck on your side. Because only 3,600 units of the Ray-Ban Meta AI glasses were put on the shelves for sale.

Where to Buy

Meta Store: Buy Ray-Ban Meta AI glasses from the Meta Store 

Ray-Ban Official site: You can get this glass from the Ray-Ban official website, i.e. Ray-Ban.com

Official Ray-Ban stores: Buy Ray-Ban Meta AI glasses at official Ray-Ban stores 

Certified retailers: Buy Ray-Ban Meta glasses from certified Ray-Ban dealers online and in-store. LensCrafters: Buy Ray-Ban Meta glasses with prescription lenses at LensCrafters stores

How to use Ray-Ban Meta AI glasses?


Ray-Ban Meta AI glassesFor using Ray-Ban Meta x Coperni Limited Edition Glasses, you have to pair them with the Meta View app.

Turning on

On the left frame of the glass slide, the switch towards the front for starting it.


For pairing, you have to remove the plastic tab between the glasses and case, and when the case LED starts glowing/flashing blue, the glasses are ready to pair 

If the glasses don’t pair, press and hold the power button for 5 Seconds, which resets the Bluetooth

Meta AI

You can also connect with mem, just say “Hey Meta” to get answers to your questions.

Point of view calling 

In the  messenger app or WhatsApp app, when you are on a video  call, click on the icon that looks like glasses

Double press the capture button on the glasses to switch between your Ray-ban meta smart glasses camera or your phone’s camera

Benefits of Ray-Ban Meta glasses

Ray-Ban Meta AI glasses provide us many advantages, which include : 

  1. hands-free communication
  2. enhanced audio and camera quality
  3. record image and movies.
  4. It is used for communication.
  5. voice commands.
  6. You can also make calls, send texts, and manage features using voice commands 
  7. Have the feature of the  Be My Eyes network and receive help from a sighted volunteer


  1. Perform action hands free, which usually requires the phone
  2. Some things are presented visually on the glasses in real life using light signals on the inside of the frames.
  3. You can share images and videos directly 
  4. Direct livestream on Facebook and Instagram.
  5. You can also play music in the Meta AI glasses

Final Thoughts

The Ray-Ban Meta x Coperni Limited edition glasses are a key release of Meta in 2025, as they have cutting-edge AI technology with the luxury.

These Glasses will revolutionize the AI wearable technology with the features like hands-free communication and display of the information on the glasses over the real world around you through the glasses.


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